Saturday, February 16, 2008

Finding Direction without a Road Map

I have decided to move this blog in a particular direction involving philosophical practices and ethics that, in my opinion, should be shared by all artists - especially photographers.

As one acquaintance put it to me, "Photographers are the Miles Davis-es of Art..." As a photographer, and artist, I understood where he came from as a painter when he made that comment.

There are many many photographers out there who take photos for the sake of taking them. They don't care who they hurt, or what they have to do to get ahead. They are cut-throat, not only with their subject matter, but with their peers and business associates as well.

So photography will be a focus, but Art in general is my purpose here.

I do hope this to be a learning experience for me, as well as an excellent resource, guide, and insight into some of the things that drive the creative process.

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